Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bulletin Board Ideas

"Obey Your Thirst For Knowledge" 

I made this bulletin board for the Parish Hall at our school. I had clear cups with different subjects written in. The letters were a little too big but it was too late when I realized. The principal loved it though!

                                                             "A Dream...Our Future"
I made this bulletin board for Black History Month. The kids had created a newspaper with a Black History Month Hero. It was easy and presentable!

                                                        "We Are Thankful For..."
This was my classroom bulletin board. It was easy to make and the kids loved it! I made a 3-D turkey. I cut some "feathers" and I had the kids write down what they were thankful for. The kids thought that the turkey was very creative, some wanted to take it home.

                                               "Jesus, We Want To be A Gift For You!"

Children wrote what they were thankful for in construction paper. In the "gifts" they colored and wrote their names. Simple but to the point!

Teaching Experience

This is my second year as a teacher. I have learned a lot over the last couple of months. When I first started teaching (last year), I thought I knew what it took to be a teacher, but reality is that teaching is more than lesson plans, bulletin boards, books, homework. Being a teacher takes courage, patience, love, dedication and prayer. So far, I have been their cheerleader, nurse, counselor, coach, mom & dad, friend, and finally their teacher. I had a rough time when disciplining my students. I'm not one to raise my voice but I also don't like disrespectful children. It was tough by times, I felt like I was doing everything wrong. It seemed like the most I did for them, the more they would misbehave. I felt discouraged and I was ready to quit! However, God reminded me that the most important thing to do was to stay prayerful. I have learned to take the time to listen to my students and build a relationship with each one. Now, I make sure that I spend some quality time with them. Books aside...pencils down...ears wide open and a smile on my face. I try to include 15 minutes of quality time once a week now. We do nothing but talk, play games, or sing together. This has made a difference in my classroom but what has truly changed things around is prayer. I pray for each of my students everyday, some need more prayers than others but that's what we are here for; to make a difference in the lives of our students.